upcoming youth events
paint war
august 25th
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NEO Fall Rally
October 6th
sign up outside the youth room by September 29th.
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ohio state youth convention
november 8th-10th
$90 for eccog students
$140 for friends
sign up outside the youth room by september 29th.
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Youth Uganda Trip 2025
Students travel with youth leaders to Uganda, June 14 - 28, 2025
Trip requirements
- Students must attend the East Canton Church of God regularly.
- Students must be in High School or recent HS graduate at the time of the trip.
- Students must go through an interview process, participate as a team in fundraising and service projects, and meetings to prepare for the trip.
- Parents must attend youth team meetings with their youth.
- Applications are due November 19th. Parents and students who are interested in learning more, can talk to Jenny.
Youth Mission: Following Jesus Together
Surrounded by adult leaders committed to loving and equipping youth; students are encouraged to develop their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ, lead themselves and others with integrity in Christ, and live as a Christ follower in our world. Lessons are created specifically to support students and their families, and students are given opportunities to develop as student leaders through the East Canton Church of God Student Leader Program. With Jesus as our focus, this group is about service, fellowship, fun, and adventure. We are learning what it means to be on fire for Jesus.
Romans 12:11-13 11Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
youth events
Feel free to join us at one of the following times:
Sunday School- Every Sunday @ 9:00 am
Youth Group Wednesdays beginning 8/23/23 from 6:30-8 pm
Destination Unknown
Serving opportunities
Fall Rally Oct 6, 2024
OSYC November 8-10, 2024
Check out our Student Ministries page on Facebook.